a) Studying in Swansea?
b) Interested in finding a
If you answered ‘yes’ to both of those questions, then step this way. Back in the 70’s, when students wore flares and t-shirts sporting a forerunner of the emoji, a group of students in Swansea, who loved Jesus passionately, found themselves asking could faith in Jesus be lived out in a way that was relevant to the whole of their lives. That group of students were met powerfully by the Holy Spirit, and out of their thirst for a deep and meaningful walk with Christ, LifePoint Church was born. Over 40 years later, LifePoint Church still has students at its heart.

Hey there!
We're Alex and Lois. We love spending time with students, watching them grow in their relationship with God.
Lois works for the NHS and likes going to Verdis for ice cream.
Alex works for Swansea University and is often available for a coffee and a walk in the park on his lunch break.
We're always finding excuses to spend time together - whether it's on the beach, slamming a film on in the LifePoint Centre or playing games together over zoom (because of COVID). We meet together every week to dig into God's word and worship Him, enjoying powerful times in His presence, and encouraging one another as we follow Him.

When the New Testament Church first took off after Pentecost, they met together in small groups in homes. We think this is still a good idea. So we meet together in the middle of the week in a smaller group setting. We meet as a student group at 7.15pm at the LifePoint Centre, Swansea on Wednesday evenings to spend time together praising God, encouraging each other and praying with one another. We’ve found it absolutely vital to meet together like this if we want to get the most out of our walk with Christ during our student years.

Student Lunch
Jesus was a big fan of eating with people. Just take a look at Luke’s gospel: He’s always either at a meal, going to a meal, or coming from a meal. Here at LifePoint Church, we’re big fans of this approach. On most Sundays, families in the church welcome students in to their homes for a free lunch. So if you’re a bit of a kitchen calamity, we’ve got you covered for at least one proper meal a week! If you have any dietary requirements, just let us know in advance, and we’ll make sure there’s something suitable for you.

Every year, at the end of the January exam period, we have a weekend away at a bunkhouse on the Gower. We have loads of great food, games, time in God’s presence, teaching, windy walks on the beach, and occasionally someone decides they want to get baptised in the sea. It’s always one of the highlights of our year, because God always meets us powerfully!
Weekend Away

Final Year Farewell
At the end of the year, we like to spend some time specifically with anyone who is moving on from their time at Uni, to come alongside them and pray for their future. God has a purpose for every single one of us, and at the end of our final year, the prospect of moving on can sometimes feel rather daunting, especially if you have no idea what you’re going to do next. At this event, we spend some time reflecting on your time in Swansea, and seek God as to how He will guide your next steps.
To get a feel for what Students is like, the best people to ask are the students themselves. So...
"LifePoint was the first church that I visited and I instantly felt welcomed into the family. I loved the recognition the church gave to the importance of the student group, it was so much fun to be a big part of the church and to serve and help with the children's work. One of my favourite things about LifePoint is their desire to help those in need and their proactivity in doing so. Some of my most cherished Sunday memories are from helping out with Messy Church and showing the love of Jesus to those who don't yet know him. Church is a big part of my University memories and I am so thankful to LifePoint for the role it played in my life. I have met people that I know will be my friends and family for life, grown in my faith thanks to LP's discipleship and eaten an abundance of delicious food (ty student lunches)."
(Class of 2020)
“At LifePoint, the aspect that I cherished most as a student was the fellowship we had, not just as students alone, but with the entire church. Knowing that you were engaging with fellow brothers and sisters was such a boost for my faith, as we came together to worship our almighty God. My relationship with God is important, but learning from others how to be effective in the way I communicate God, pray and speak to Him and look to seek His will was awesome. A teaser of what is to come when we are all in glory, delighting in the Lord in His Kingdom forever.”
(Class of 2017)
“I came to Swansea as an exchange student from my university from Montreal, Canada in January. I was introduced to LifePoint Church by my host family who I'm pretty sure were heaven sent. I didn't expect God to encounter me the first few weeks and answer questions I had about the family of God. Transforming even more into the likeness of Christ, I got baptized at the February Student Retreat, that marked my life when I heard God speak in a personal way--a way of love. We get to carry the heart of God wherever I go!”
(Class of 2014)
“Being a student at LifePoint was genuinely a lifechanging experience for me. Coming from a childhood church where 20 people was a "busy Sunday", I could have felt lost in a church of 200 like LifePoint, but instead I immediately found a community where I wasn't treated like a visitor but a friend. Over my student years, LifePoint became my family, a place where I was loved, encouraged, challenged and ultimately a place where I could grow in my faith and in my character. It was here that my faith blossomed, lifelong friendships were formed, and I discovered a beautiful future that God holds for me.”
(Class of 2012)
“When I first came to university in the autumn of 1977 I joined the Christian Union and they put me in touch with a young lady in my hall of residence and it turned out that she went to the church we now call LifePoint, which had only recently started. When I went for the first time I was overwhelmed with the love of the people and with a real sense of God’s presence, and I knew straight away that this was the right church for me. I was immediately surrounded with people who took me in to their hearts and their homes; befriended me and fed me - spiritually and with real food too! At that time about half the church were students, so I never stopped having fun and fellowship both on campus and off. Looking back these were some of the best years of my life.”
(Class of 1980)